Integrative Health Coaching

Making health changes can be overwhelming and even knowing where to start can seem daunting. We will help you meet that fear head-on and then overcome it.

  • Are you struggling with a deep, nagging fatigue yet find yourself lying awake at night, unable to fall asleep?

  • Are you constantly questioning what food you should be eating because it all makes you feel miserable?

  • Do you wonder if your various aches, pains, and confusing symptoms are all somehow connected but just don’t know how to connect the dots?

  • Do you long to have the energy, time, and motivation to achieve your deepest dreams but are so exhausted, stressed out, and overwhelmed that it seems impossible to even get through your day-to-day?

  • Have you been passed from specialist to specialist and no one seems to have any clue what’s actually going on?

  • Are you tired of spending all your time, money and energy looking for the perfect supplement, treatment, doctor or “cure” for your health challenges?

  • Ladies, are you tired of the hormonal rollercoaster ride you’ve been on for years?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then health coaching is for you!

About the Program: through our 25-week, 11-session, one on one health coaching program, we will work on helping you achieve your ultimate health vision by incorporating work with gut health, hormonal imbalances, nourishment, movement, mindset work, stress reduction tools. You will find balance in mind, body and spirit and experience joy and energy in life. All sessions can be performed virtually and participants are not limited by geographical location.

What is health coaching?

Our health coaches are here to support and guide you on your health journey. We act as guides to help you solidify your vision and create specific, achievable action items that will lead you to success. Many of our clients health coaching programs center around one or any combination of the following:

  • find energy that’s been missing for years

  • manage your mysterious GI symptoms

  • understand and decrease chronic aches and pains that don’t seem to respond to physical treatments

  • for ladies, regulate your menstrual cycles and PMS symptoms

We will meet regularly to ensure accountability, progress, and integration of lifestyle habits one step at a time to create sustainable, long-term, and realistic changes to improve your health in all aspects. By providing a non-judgmental, listening ear, a fresh perspective, lifestyle medicine education, and a breadth of resources to implement these changes, you will feel empowered to tap into your body’s innate ability to heal to get you back to feeling like your best self.

Meet our health coaches

While our entire team integrates health coaching within our physical therapy plans, meet our health coaches who also provide coaching-only services through our New Heights Health Coaching Program.

  • Women's Health Coach

    Megan completed her Women’s Health Coach Certification in 2021 and her certificate in Perimenopause and Menopause in 2022, both from the Integrative Women’s Health Institute. She is trained and certified in functional nutrition and functional gut testing through Restorative Wellness Solutions and IWHI.

    If you're a woman struggling with gut health, hormone related concerns, or other symptoms that you have an instinctive feeling are women-specific, schedule your complimentary Discovery Session with Megan!

  • Health Coach

    Breinne completed her Health Coach certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and her Personal Training certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).

    Breinne has an incredible passion for mind-body therapies and spends her free time digging deeper into mental and physical health healing techniques. Her coaching skills come from her innate nature to help others and the difficult hardships she has experienced in her own life. Her ultimate goal is to give others a space to open, be heard and work toward healing, without doing it alone.

    If you have a feeling that your chronic pain doesn't seem to respond to physical treatments, but feels closely linked to your life experiences, stress, or nutritional habits, schedule your complimentary Discovery Session with Breinne!