We Make Physical Therapy Easy and Empowering

How it works

3. Ideal Wellness Plan Recommendations

4. Actual Wellness Plan Creation + Commitment

2. Comprehensive Wellness Assessment

  1. (Optional) Discovery

Spend 30-60 minutes with your DPT, 1-on-1 to discuss your pain or concern, determine the key contributing factors, and determine the next best step to address them.

Holistic evaluation to determine your current lifestyle habits, functional abilities as well as what movement restrictions are keeping you from your ultimate goal.

Based on the results of your Wellness Assessment, we will recommend a plan for you “if you lived in a perfect world where time or money were not an issue.”

Share your feedback so we can create a realistic wellness plan that is within your time and budget, so you feel motivated and ready to commit to it and to yourself!

Our Holistic Approach

  • physical health

  • stress

  • nutrition

  • sleep

    Once we’ve gotten an overview of your lifestyle factors, we will highlight key areas to be addressed and work with you to holistically treat your pain or concern by creating a wellness plan together that isn’t overwhelming and doesn’t consume your time.

Get Connected

When you work with us, you connect with more than us.

You learn to reconnect with yourself

  • Physically = we teach your brain and your body to talk to each other and work together automatically throughout your day to minimize stress on the body

  • Emotionally = we illuminate your wellness blindspots in a way that empowers you to take control of your life and commit to caring for you

If we find that some areas require deeper expertise as part of your plan, we will help you get connected to the best resources locally.

  • social support

  • community

  • spirituality

  • financial health

Feeling empowered?

Discover new heights, today!