This group is for aspiring and experienced walkers and runners who want to boost their heart rate through walking or running in community!
Two groups - a walking and a running group - will do a short warm-up activation series led by Dr. Hannah at 5:30pm before departing on their cardio route together in their groups, then returning for a brief mobility cool down together!
All routes will be within Hartland, exploring the residential neighborhoods, parks, and the Ice Age Trail. They will progress gradually throughout the season and will be flexible!
Our Purpose: At NHPT we believe in the power of exercise and community for promoting overall wellness. We also understand that it can be intimidating to get started, or for those who are experienced runners- it can be hard to slow down and simply “enjoy the ride” (or run!).
Because we specialize in working with high-achieving people who are always striving to do the best things for themselves - we intend this group to help teach the importance of embracing our resources of community and exercise to:
spark motivation
boost mood
recover and slow down to reap the benefits of the hard work we put in during the rest of our busy week
Everyone has different goals and we intend this group to be a positive place where we encourage each other towards those individual goals without judgment.
For anyone out there worried you will be “too fast” or “too slow” - the point of this club is to do it together to reap the benefits of community while boosting your aerobic capacity. For some, this will feel very easy physically but challenge you to go outside of your mental comfort zone; for others, this will challenge you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone physically and mentally!
For the competitive recreational runners out there who might be training for something and thinking this isn’t for you (we see you Ironman athletes and Boston marathoners and we want you to join us!) - we intend this run club to be an easy recovery run, just a few bonus miles at a very conversational pace to add aerobic benefit without the extra physical toll in your training week! (Yes, this might look like a usual 7:30/mi pace slowing to 10:00/mile - trust us - this is GOOD for your brain and your body!) Remember, it’s about COMMUNITY!
Since we will be very gradually working our way into longer distances as the weeks progress, we encourage you to shoot for doing the planned route for walking or running. However, some days we just don’t feel our best but still want to participate, so alternate options will be provided if you need to shorten your route.
This group is for everyone!
Still unsure if it’s for you? Contact us!
Walking route for 4/26 - 0.8 miles (options to shorten by taking Harvest Way - 0.67 miles, or Market Ln - 0.5 miles)
Running route for 4/26 - 1.43 miles (with option to skip Nixon Park -> turn right on Maple - 1 mile; or do longest walking route) Dr. Hannah will be with the running group this week