One Word: That’s all it Can Take

Written By: Breinne Zuhlke, IIN Cert. Health Coach

Dating back to 2017, I’ve chosen a word to intentionally live by every year. Choosing a word has helped me continue to tune into myself and become the truest version of me. These words have ranged from Brave to Strength and Free. 

Finding one word has always helped me reflect on the past year and create simplicity for what I want for the year ahead. The simplicity of one word, allows me to tune into my intuition gracefully and peacefully. 

For example, I chose Love in 2017 because I wanted to focus on giving my heart to anyone and everyone -  regardless of what they had done or who they were. I started being more comfortable showing my heart to people the year before - I wanted to know what it felt like to love hard. So hard that I could feel the joy that it gave me and others coursing through my veins. 

I chose Brave in 2018 because I found I was living afraid. Afraid of never healing a serious injury, afraid of never being loved for who I was, afraid of judgment and persecution. It was ok that I was afraid, but I didn’t want it to control my life. I wanted bravery to control my life. So that year, I let Brave become my state of mind.

The list goes on… 

So how do you find your word for the year? It all varies on what works best for you. It might even be in a step you didn’t know could help you. But I’m here to offer ideas and questions of reflection! 

For me, going for a long walk or run helps me think about what word I want for the year. Sometimes it’s one of the first words that comes to mind. Sometimes, it’s a word that leads me to another word. Finding the environment, activity or space that helps you reflect about how you want to be will help you choose your word for the year. 

Environment ideas:

  • Outside (near water, near mountains, near trees, etc)

  • Coffee shop

  • Bedroom

  • Shower

  • Gym

  • Studio 

Activity ideas: 

  • Walking

  • Running

  • Journaling

  • Catching a sunset or sunrise

  • Talking to someone

  • Meditating

  • Breathwork

Space ideas: 

  • Stillness

  • Quietness

  • Movement

  • Favorite playlist in your ears

Through my environment, activity and space that helps me reflect, I let myself sit with it, pray about it, and verbalize it before finalizing. Here are some questions to consider for guiding you to your word: 

  • In what areas did I find myself wanting to grow in the past year?

  • What are my goals for 2025? What do they center around? Is there a theme?

  • How do I want to feel when working toward my goals?

  • What do I want to prioritize when making decisions this year?

  • What is going to add value to my personal growth?

  • What did I do really well last year? 

  • What  do I wish I did more of because it made me feel good?

  • How do I want to remember myself?

  • What feeling was helpful for me this past year? Would it help me be more in tune with myself for this next year?

  • When I sit with this word, how does it make me feel? Does it give me a positive feeling? Or an icky or off feeling?

Share your word with someone you feel comfortable with. When you share the word, how does it feel saying it out loud to someone else? Does it feel good, honest and genuine for you? Do you feel like you need to keep reflecting before deciding? Remember, this word is only yours. No one can choose the word for you, but sharing it with others helps us understand how it makes us feel. 

The goal is to spend the year tuning back to this word so that you become it. That it’s not just a word you think about, but a state of mind that becomes natural for you. Create a post-it note of your word, journal about it, create a phone background with the word…who knows, maybe you end up getting it tattooed on your body by the end of the year! Remind yourself of the word in whatever way honors you. 

Give a word-of-the-year a try, and watch the beauty in how it intimately impacts you. 

I’m so excited to hear what you come up with. 

With love, 


P.s. Want to know what word each of us at New Heights chose for this year? Follow us on social media to find out!  Instagram Facebook


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